Qiao helps buyers and sellers to obtain value through M&A. We typically cover deals in the £1-£50m enterprise value range, which covers small and medium-sized businesses and startups across asset and equity sales. We work at the intersection of trust, adaptability and affordability. We focus on companies that are enabled by technology in traditional industries, and those in the emerging frontiers of technology.
We offer a few competitive advantages:
1. Bespoke and proximal approach for clients - we tailor our approach based on a close relationship with the founder and / or leadership team
2. Understanding of opportunity cost - running a small business or M&A team takes considerable effort and expertise; we recognise the burden M&A and fundraising can have and thus prefer short and concise interactions with clear outcomes
3. Cost and serviceable client - no client is too small for us to take on, given the right conditions, and we provide amore trusted and comprehensive infrastructure and intimate startup know-how than a traditional boutique
4. Network density - we offer a unique density of network across investors (traditional or otherwise), corporates and scaleups that covers the breadth of potential targets / buyers.